Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Persisting Code (Repost)

I have created a SRS report with 6 columns. I would like every 3rd Row of
the report to have a silver background and white on the rest. When I run
the report the first time I get the desired result. Then, depending on the
number of rows the report returns, successive runs of the report will have
the silver row starting on 1, 2 or 3. My guess is that SRS is remembering
where the code left off and picks up from there on the successive runs.
I added the following code to my report:
Private Shared count As Integer = 0
Private Shared colors As String() = {"White","White","White","White","White","White","White","White","White","White","White","White","Silver","Silver","Silver","Silver","Silver","Silver"}
Public Function GetColor() As String
Dim c as string = colors(count Mod colors.Length)
count = count + 1
Return c
End Function
Then, on the background Color I have:
George F Grund IVWould removing the shared keyword achieve your desired results?
You could also try and reset the count by creating a function like
below and then calling from your page header.
public function ResetVariable() as string
count = 0
return ""
end function|||Well, I'll asumme that you are using a table with no groups. If so, what you
are trying to do is very simple and you don't that code. Select the detail
row, then in the background color porperty type something like this:
=IIF(RowCount("YourDataSet") mod 3 = 0, "#D3D3D3", "#FFFFFF")
D3D3D3 is the RBG code for Light Gray, and FFFFFF is for White
I hope this helpssql

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