Monday, February 20, 2012

Permission Denied Error

I am an issue running reports through a Netscreen (Juniper)
box and have found nothing on Juniper's website that addresses the issue. I
can access the Report Manager easily and enter parameters for a report.
However when I click on the View Report button I get a permission denied
error when executing the following Miscrosoft scipt:
function LoadToolbarFrame()
if (frames["oTbDMRepFrame"].location.href != tbDMRepFrameUrl ||
I have been working on this for quite some time and have not found a
solution. I would appreciate any ideas and solutions.What is your ReportServer URL in your config files? Is that different than
the URL you are typing in your browser? If so, you may be running into a
cross-domain scripting error.
'(' Jeff A. Stucker
Business Intelligence
"B. Mark McKinney" <> wrote in
>I am an issue running reports through a Netscreen (Juniper)
> box and have found nothing on Juniper's website that addresses the issue.
> I
> can access the Report Manager easily and enter parameters for a report.
> However when I click on the View Report button I get a permission denied
> error when executing the following Miscrosoft scipt:
> function LoadToolbarFrame()
> {
> if (frames["oTbDMRepFrame"].location.href != tbDMRepFrameUrl ||
> !IsIEBrowser())
> frames["oTbDMRepFrame"].location.replace(tbDMRepFrameUrl);
> }
> I have been working on this for quite some time and have not found a
> solution. I would appreciate any ideas and solutions.

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